Classic films you may or may not have seen
Ok as you may have guessed this is about classic films. 10 classic films to be exact. Films that are either so good, or of such an incredibly bad standard that they will be remembered for the rest of time.
(by the way if anyone can think of any films that I should have included on this list E-mail me or write it in the Guest book on the main page and I will put it on)
1) The Great Escape (Staring Steve Mcqueen...Maquean...him.
A great film in a dig your way out of Nazi prison camp and get
shot kind of way. One of the best theme tunes of any film ever.
On most Christmas times so if you haven't seen this watch it is
worth it.)
2) The Towering Inferno (Staring Steve
Macqueen...Mcicantbebothered...eailier I said that films are
classics even if they are completely, uterly and totaly useless
3) Starwars 4-6 (altough these were the first released they are the last
in the series of Starwars films. The reason for this is that the
creator, George Lucas, wanted to show the parts with the most
action in first and leave the storyline until later. You can make
your own judgements as to weather this works or not. Personally I
think that these films are brilliant and will always be as they
are set in the past but with futuristic equipment so making
it...well...good, just watch the titles, you'll understand it
then. These films are famous for making Harrison Ford into the unbeliveable
'actor' that he is today and for completely destroying the other
characters lives in the film bussiness, well have you ever heard
of Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker) in feature roles since Starwars?)
4) Shooting Fish (Staring low-grade English and American actors who were hired because of their sheer cheapness, in typical British film industry style. Ok so it's a good film and very funny but I can't get over the fact that the British leading man is the carbon copy of my brother. Not so much phsically but psycologically. This film is in my opinion the best British comedy. It is better made than The Full Monty, has a better storyline, is all about conning people, and has a reference to fish in the title. What more could you possibly want??
5) The Shawshank Redemption (A truly briliant film, so good it has been know to make grown men cry, staring Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins. Based on a short story by Steven King. This is not a horror, even though the original story was written by the master of Horror himself, it is infact a story about friendship, hope and the yearning for freedom that is insisde everyone. Please, if you have not seen this film rent it out of your local Video Shop, go, go now, go ahead with my blessing and rent this video now.)
6) The Italian Job (Staring Michael Caine and Noel Coward. This is the film with the minis in it. This is your average bank job masterminded from inside a prison by Noel Coward, set in Italy, being chased around Italian streets by Police while stacking boot of mini with gold boulion kind a thing. A good film, will always be remembered fondly by those who are hounoured enough to have sampled it's many delights.)
7) Bad Taste (What can I say about this film, well lets start with the budget shall we. This film was made on a budget of about $400 Austrailian which is about, give or take a couple of thousand, £50. This film would be your average Alien shoot'em up comedy, bit like M.I.B., if it wasn't for the incredibly low budget. This film does not try and make people think it is a big budget film, infact the complete opposite. main characters are Barry, the fairly normal one, long scraggy hair, tash, blows off aliens head in the first sceen, cool hur hur hur. Frank is another fairly normal character, short hair, smoke cigar lots, drive a nice purple car, with bazooka in boot. Ozzy, long frizzy hair, blows up frank's car, part of alien house and sheep with bazooka, completly weapon obsesed. Derrick, leader of the unit, like 'M' in Bond films, falls off cliffs, survives, brain falls out, survives, shot in head, survives, chainsaws way through alien leader, survives. This film is truely disgusting and should not be watched by those weak of stomach. It is also very funny, if you can find copies readily available please E-mail me because it's not ever going to be on TV and I can't find the video anywhere. Watch this film if you can find it.)
8) The Hunt For Red October (Staring Sean Connery and Alec Baldwin as CIA lecturer Jack Ryan. This is the first in a trilogy of Jack Ryan films, the others being Patriot Games and Clear and Present Danger, these stared Harrison Ford as an ageing Ryan. Personally I think that Alec Baldwin make a much better Ryan by the fact he is a better actor. Basicaly Russian submarine Captain, Connery, tests a new sub, The Red October, that cannot be picked up by sonar. The Americans hear of this and so send thir fleet out to get it. However Ryan belives that russian sub Captain wants to defect to the American side. Which he does. So the Russians launch their fleet to get The Red October and lots of merry highjinks occur while both sides look for the elusive sub. This is a classic mix of political drama and gosh darn it just damn good fun. A film definately worth a watch.)
9) Alien
(Staring wotshername Weaver. Original of the now well known
series of films. At first look a very average alien shoot 'em up
but what you have to remember is that Alien was the original
alien shoot 'em, and the best part, they actually don't have any
weapons to shoot up the alien. This is also different in the way
that it is not an alien invasion, it is set on a space fraighter,
The Nostromo. This is the reason they have no weapons, although
somehow the crew end up with a cattleprod and a flame-thrower.
This is one of the great alien genre. Please watch it.)
10) Terminator (Ok if you haven't heard of this film you must have
been living in cave somewhere in the upper Andies for the 15 odd
years it is famous for rocketing Arnie Schwartzenegger to
Hollywood stardom. Ok I will admit it looks like an excuse for
mindless violence, and it does go overboard with the gun fights
occasionally, but the storyline is definately worth watching. It
really is a classic fight between good and evil. Except this time
the evil is in the form of an unstopable, time traveling, killer
robot, sorry cyborg. Anyway if you haven't seen this why not and
if you have watch it again.