Andy's World
of Movies
(and Popcorn)
Hello everyone
and welcome to my new project. I had some time on my hands while
I was supposed to be doing my revision and have decided to devote
it to this my own web site.
Since then this page has been
accessed times.
It was last updated on 22 June, 1998 23:14 GMT Daylight Time.
As anyone who knows me will tell you, I am rather into movies and eating. So combining the two is very good in my opinion. It is for this reason that I love popcorn as it is the only food (apart from hotdogs) that you can eat while watching films and keep your respectability.
This page is dedicated to everything to do with films, ranging from reviews of future attraction to the best type of pot noddle you should eat while watching a Jean Claude Van Damme kick boxer movie.
Links to non-movie (or popcorn) related sites
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This site is still very much under construction and will be finnished when I get around to it.